This is where random images that I've come across, or actually created myself, are stored. Feel free to view them.
A collection of photos from the Starcraft game where a herd of overlords were sent into the enemy base to provide distraction. Very much like cattle being sent to the slaughterhouse, and an effective alternative to disruption web and similar techniques. Provided in a .zip file for convenience.
× >A random desktop; kind of looks like a planet. Therefore, I'll give it a random name, like, Planet K37. Yeah, that sounds good.
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× >Sort of an abstract desktop, resembling something like electricity and waves of some sort. It's called Sqouija (that's pronounced "squee-gee").
Click to download 800x600 size
Click to download 1024x768 size
Click to download 1280x1024 size
× >A desktop wallpaper I made that sort of looks like a moon against a dark blue sky. Hence the name "Blue Moon."
Click to download 800x600 size
Click to download 1024x768 size
Click to download 1280x960 size
Click to download 1280x1024 size
× >This image is one I made a couple of years ago, and only recently rediscovered. The purpose of this image was to create an image by only using the selection tools (rectangular, sphere, polygonal, etc) and the "Fill" technique to fill the selections in with white. Then, I applied a small amount of layer effects, and a caption. Not a particularly interesting technique, but I guess it worked.
× >The funny thing about elephants is that they are perfectly capable of balancing their entire mass on a single grain of salt. Unfortunately, due to the size difference, we can't actually see the grain of salt when this is happening. As a result, we're never aware of this rather common occurance.
× >Stew has such a rich history in our culture, primarily used to warm up hungry people by having them ingest a thick mixture of meat, vegetables, and broth at a rather hot temperature. However, the topic of how stew came to be isn't often brought up at the dinner table, and so people assume it came about by an inventive cook in a cold climate. Not true. So then, what are the origins of this mysterious meal? Short answer: a bored postman, and a confused surgeon.
× >Marinades with a nice cilantro base seem to be the least explosive when exposed to high heat and pressure. Sadly, this makes them a bit bland and boring. Want to spice up your armaments? Simply add equal parts ketchup, olive oil, soy sauce and sprinkle half a teaspoonful of mercury fulminate. Mix it all together, then pour a cupful into the barrel and allow to simmer for up to 4 hours. Makes 10 servings.
× >The trachea evolved as a self defense measure. Long ago, pulmonic vertebrates were nearly extinct, plagued by oxygen parasites. These parasites floated on waves of oxygen and attacked the blood vessels in lungs. The trachea was evolved to in order to repel these parasites with the self defense mechanism of choking.
× >Everyone has seen those old documentary flim clips, showing a mass of lemmings running off of a cliff into their watery graves. Turns out, this is a largely exaggerated piece of fiction, and has unfortunately passed into popular knowledge as fact. In actuality, lemmings are quite fond of the water, and these clips show a group of lemmings heading off to swim during their annual vacation. It just goes to show you how deceptive videography can be.
× >This image is one created using a random image that popped into my head one day. It was inspired by a line in a song, and over the course of a couple of days, I transferred it from the aether and into colored results of digital renderings. It's an idea of what the world of the dead looks like.
× >Istanbul was the first city to attempt the construction of a building made entirely out of cheese. Constructed entirely out of a goat's milk cheese, it stood for nearly a year before collapsing due to the elements. Curiously, the ruins of the building still exist, heavily infested with mold and grasses, but delighting cheese connoisseurs who find pride in eating only the rarest cheeses.
× >Despite the fact that many people over the years have been in a plane, have been skydiving, or have been in the air, in one form or another, nobody ever answers a simple question. What does the sky smell like? This is something I can describe for you. Simply, baked goods and horseradish. In a more complicated description, it is like fresh pastries, horseradish sauce, strong rubber, and something akin to melted ice cream. Makes you hungry doesn't it?
× >We constantly worry about how to transport people, because people are constantly traveling. There is a simple solution to it though. Have them go to sleep, then vacuum pack them in a can, like sardines, and ship it over the ocean or through the air. Upon arrival, open it and wake them up. It saves on the cost of maintaining airline lavatories, eliminates a need for food and pillows, and ensures nobody causes problems for the other people on the plane. Problem solved. You're welcome, airline industry.
× >This was inspired by the question "What would the end of the world look like?" Most ideas of this involve various disasters, flames, people dying and screaming, chaos in the aftermath. I thought a more pleasant idea would be to simply see the universe dissolve, leaving nothing but you and your memories (and your loyal, four-legged friend).
× >Lotus ions are commonly used to decorate meditative electronics. They are relatively easy to create, but very hard to tape or pin to something. Typically, you engineer the electronic with the ion already implanted, and then slather an inch of paste over it. Then, you roll this in a mixture of flour and turpentine.
× >Elephants today subsist entirely on elephant rings. It's been said that these rings are made up entirely of other elephants. It's also been said that the rings are made up of other types of rings, ground together, emulsified, and formed into a ring shape. No one has ever had enough courage to test it though..
× >Shoulders were originally designed to hold rodents. The early human, whose diet mainly consisted of whatever they could hunt or find, lived largely on rodents, as these were small and easy to catch. Typically, several rodents would be caught, strung together, and carried around the neck. Over time, humans evolved into a form that included shoulders, so that they could sling things over them. It would seem that we continue to use them for this purpose to this day.
× >Sometimes, sunlight is a foul thing. It's especially foul when it's hot outside, or you have a massive headache. It's probably at its most foul, however, when it's been left in an old plastic jug for a month and a half. When you pour it out, the sunlight oozes onto the ground and sits there, as rancid as anything you could imagine. At that point, it's best to hose it off and buy some fresh sunlight somewhere else.
× >Recent developments in biotechnology have allowed for a new process that involves pressing geraniums, specifically their blossoms, into a type of foil. The blossom is mixed with a thin, brittle metal alloy, and is flattened until malleable. These are often used for advanced origami shapes, or the conducting of incredibly obnoxious electrical currents that think too highly of themselves.
× >Pneumatic technology has enabled advances in a number of industries. It's now being applied to everyday use in the home. The latest advancement comes to us in the form of the Pneumatic Table. Gone are the days where a table is too high or too low for use. These new tables come with pneumatic legs that are each individually adjustable. Say goodbye to cramped legs, booster seats, and the joys of stuffing wads of paper underneath a table leg to achieve stability.
× >Leek bread is the new food phenomenon that is slowly making its way into trendy restaurants the world over. This is absolutely revolting. Bread should never be made from vegetables or fruits, and making bread from the leek is truly a crime. The leek is the hornet of the vegetable world. A truly deplorable thing that serves no purpose.
× >"She was sure she'd seen his face in the crowd; she knew she'd recognize that smirk anywhere. As they swarmed the back entrance in an attempt to destroy the barricade, she couldn't help feeling the chill run down her spine at the thought that he may have been among them, hidden among the twisted, snarling figures who were gnashing their teeth at her."
× >"Inside the old wooden crate was a single cardboard box, dusty but still showing the logo of the company it was ordered from. Inside that box was a perfectly smooth and clear crystal sphere, which contained a single human tooth tied to a single animal tooth with a bit of black thread, which ran through a perfectly triangular hole found in both teeth."
× >"He watched the horizon as the toy car sped down the road towards him. Listening to the sound of the tiny motor powering the RC car down the gravel road, he felt a pang of nostalgia for his childhood days. Caught up in this reverie, he almost didn't notice the tiny face emerging from the roof of the car."
× >"As she stumbled out of the reeds and into the meadow, the sight of a fox darting across the grass and into a bush was initially startling, but then oddly calming. She brushed the dirt and debris off of her pants, and started walking in the direction of the massive metal structure to the north, its sharp limbs swinging back and forth idly yet menacingly as it scanned the area."
× >"It wasn't the presence of snow that bothered them. They had both grown up in the brutal winters at the northern border, so snow was so normal they barely noticed it. This snow, however, was very noticeable; while it retained its traditional white appearance, it was uncharacteristically warm, yet showed no signs of melting."
× >"The warmth of the early summer was finally making its way through the soil, and before long, the creature woke from its slumber and began to dig its way up to the surface. Slowly and carefully pushing dirt ahead of it, it eventually surfaced, struggling to see in the glaring sun of the early afternoon. It gave no notice to the smoking crater mere inches from where it had burrowed underground."
× >"The man walked slowly down the sidewalk, towing a small cart behind him. Every time he slowed down, something in the cart began to stir and screech. The noises did a decent job of keeping curious passersby away from the cart, which helped prevent them from noticing the cart merely floated inches above the ground, with no wheels or other features that would allow it to move."
× >"It had been another wonderful autumn afternoon. As the sun set, they retired to the porch with warm drinks and a few snacks. The low rumbling was beginning to grow louder, and a slight shaking could be felt, but only inside the house. They were determined to ignore it for as long as they could, although it was growing much more difficult to remain in denial."
× >"The line of vehicles extended through downtown and back out to the outlying communities. Every few minutes vehicles moved forward roughly one car length. No one could remember what they were lined up for, no one could reverse, and no one could turn around to leave. Every driver leaned forward slightly, faces showing a mix of frustration and anticipation."
× >"Every few minutes, they could hear the sound of water droplets landing on the glass. The sound reminded them of the gentle rain on a window during a summer storm. The slowly spreading cracks in the glass from the weight of the droplets filled them with a sense of urgency and anxiety, though, which made it difficult to enjoy the peaceful memory."
× >"The jewels were so lovely, the sunlight dancing amongst their intricate cut. With a few adjustments they were packed very efficiently into the old soda can. It seemed a shame to bury them in all of this mud, but no good would come if anyone discovered there were still riches to be found here."
× >"The sound reverberated through the halls for several minutes. Even after the initial noise subsided, its remnants echoed almost subsonically, causing all of the hairs to stand up on the back of his neck. The uneasy feeling was replaced with a feeling of pure dread when he heard the high-pitched laugh begin."
× >"Traffic had always been terrible at the airport, this he knew. The screams and heavy rumbling just under the surface were new, though. As the asphalt began to lift and curve upwards from the ground, he began to wonder whether they would credit him with a replacement ticket if this caused him to miss his flight."
× >"A freshly prepared sandwich lay directly on the keyboard of the laptop. She didn't dare take her eyes off of it, worried that whatever left it there would be standing behind her when she turned. The liquid that began to drip from the laptop keyboard finally unsettled her enough to look away for a moment."
× >"As the night wore on, her eyes began to close, her brain slowly tuning out the sound of typing behind her. Disoriented and tired, she allowed herself to rest for a few moments while she reclined on the couch, not having the energy to determine who was making the typing sounds when she knew she was the only one in the house."
× >"He hadn't heard of a spring salad mix that contained bits of real bone, but he assumed it must be a healthy new additive. The worms were also a strange ingredient, but who was he to question a professional chef? Unfortunately, the last ingredient was impossible to read, which is what doomed him."
× >"A dull hiss emitted from the engine. In simpler times, the solution would have been to release the pressure valve, wait for the excess liquid to vaporize, and cautiously open the electrical panel. Unfortunately, things were less reliable these days, so he had to pry open the emergency hatch and reach for the steadily growing singularity with his bare hands."
× >"Awakening, she saw a rather formally dressed statue looming over her. After a dozen minutes or so, her vision began to clear and she saw more statues, similar in appearance, standing in eerily choregraphed positions around her in a vague arc. Without blinking, she stood up and began to take nervous steps backwards toward what she thought was a door."
× >"She turned the television on and began reviewing the last few episodes she had streamed. She was certain the show featured a different title the previous evening when she had watched it. Now, a completely different title was showing, with completely different characters, all of whom looked disturbingly just like her."
× >"He felt like he hadn't had a sip of water, or any liquid, in a week. No matter how much he drank the water from the jug, it seemed to parch him more then relieve him. In desperation, he smashed the jug open, water splashing across the floorboards and draining between them before he could dive to the floor to drink any last droplets."
× >"The vase inched closer to the edge of the table, but no one was looking at it. A fall meant an assured shattering, but everyone's eyes were fixated on the movements of the fluorescent tube light on the ceiling, slowly elongating and dropping from the ceiling as though it were a boiled noodle. Desperate for their attention, the vase found its last ounce of will and toppled itself off the table towards the floor below."
× >"Each piece of bread was staler than the last. Each piece had more faint splotches of mold. Each one seemed to taste even more delicious than the last one. Their eyes began to roll backwards with the amazing flavors they were experiencing, collapsing to the ground shortly thereafter. The slowly disintegrating walls were well beyond their concerns at the moment."
× >"There it sat, as unbelievable as it was dangerous. In the place of soft wool hung thin needles, metallic and extremely sharp in appearance, and as he had been told, even sharper when touched. It raised its head, staring with a mixture of balefulness and mindlessness, chewing quietly on some clover in the meadow. His desire to draw closer to what appeared to be a gentle beast fought with his desire to never let such a terrifying creature within a close enough range to become acquainted with those needles."
×"There it sat, as unbelievable as it was dangerous. In the place of soft wool hung thin needles, metallic and extremely sharp in appearance, and as he had been told, even sharper when touched. It raised its head, staring with a mixture of balefulness and mindlessness, chewing quietly on some clover in the meadow. His desire to draw closer to what appeared to be a gentle beast fought with his desire to never let such a terrifying creature within a close enough range to become acquainted with those needles."
× >"She knelt down, dug the book out of the loamy soil, then turned and began to run. As she dodged branches and leapt over deep holes filled with a quiet hissing, she scarcely noticed that the book was very dry and clean, despite having been buried for a supposed decade. So distracted with fleeing her surroundings was she that she didn't notice how her hands were growing dryer and cleaner by the second."
× >"The music began slowly, almost sounding very distant despite seeming to generate from down the corridor. As it got louder, the sounds of a steel guitar and an accordion began to become more audible, playing in almost perfect synchronicity. Peering around the edge of the doorway, the large, glassy, staring eyes and horrifyingly delighted grin were the most noticeable features of the individual playing the haunting tune, but they weren't remotely human."
× >"He re-examined the orders he had been given this morning. They clearly stated that he was to retrieve an infant, and were very specific about this being the location. Looking up, he frowned. What lay in the round metal tub in front of him was no infant, and the noises it was producing were far from typical infant noises. The idea that it could even be human certainly was a large stretch of the imagination, though not as large as the spiny limb slowly creeping towards him."
× >"She saw the pitcher clearly sitting before her. No matter how many times she lifted it up and poured the water out of it, the water never poured from it, but rather from a space 6 inches above the pitcher, causing a lot of splatter and a slowly growing puddle. The worst part, she realized, was being unable to remove the pitcher from her hand afterwards."
× >"Their eyes were fixed on the living room wall when they first booming noises began. Quickly, they dove from the couch and hid under the nearby coffee table, too terrified to speak. The haunting organ music began next, and they remained crouched together under the coffee table, even as it rapidly dissolved into dust around them."
× >"It cast a wary eye on them as they approached. Each of them crouched as they moved closer, seemingly believing they were unnoticed. As it calmly began to sway, chunks of granite began to drop from it, never more than a few at a time. It wasn't long before the few of them that hadn't been hit by the granite had scurried away, far less confident than when they had arrived."
×"They rolled calmly, almost serenely, back and forth across the clearing. When they reached the edge, they switched course and rolled back again, always narrowly missing each other in the process. The shallow depressions in the dirt underneath showed that they hadn't, however, missed anything else in their path, inanimate or otherwise."
× >"She broke through the drywall after a few moments and stepped down, almost immediately noticing an odor like potatoes gone rancid. She was certain that there was nothing else on the ground except a few small stones, but the smell seemed to be emanating from directly below her. The shiny, metallic thread dangling from above was both startling and nerve-wracking, since she couldn't see what it was dangling from."
× >"They were so very tired, and this seemed like as good a spot as any. The exhaustion was crushing, almost crushing them directly into the floor as they lay down. Such a crushing exhaustion that it crushed their bones to dust, their minds to soup, their entire being into nonexistence. They knew they needed to get up and keep moving before the exhaustion became too deadly, but the ground felt so comfortable at that moment."
× >"They sat quietly on the floor, noticing the very old carpet was both soggy and otherwise in good condition for something that was probably over 200 years old. Ignoring the increasingly loud winds bashing against the window frame, they slowly munched on a packet of crackers and tried to listen for the low-frequency thudding sounds they hoped not to hear. After all, it was hard to ignore what the cause of the soggy condition of the carpet was, given that it was hanging upside down from the ceiling, hopefully asleep."