This is where you can find older updates to the site. Scroll to the update you want, or choose one of the links below to take you to a specific year.

December 6, 2014

Today marks the 12th anniversary of this website, and with it come a couple of decently sized updates (for less than suggested retail price!). To begin with, the entrance page now sports an exciting animation that, while very similar to the animation of the previous several years, doesn't use Flash at all. This is useful for many reasons, one of which is that you should be able to view it on most mobile browsers. For those that can't, a static image will show instead (still better than the previous alternative).

The second update is a new page in the References section. This page is the long-awaited section that I've been planning to add, which lists the video games that I own. Feel free to peruse at your leisure.

November 29, 2014

After a few months of less than regular update, today's update brings 2 updates. The more noticeable is a new image. The slightly more subtle is a minor tweak to the layout of the site. Also, due to an incredible productive streak, there are more noticeable changes that will be taking effect on the site. These will be unveiled for the 12th anniversary of the site. Until then...well, you know what to do.

September 19, 2014

At long last, a new update! Look deeply into the shadows of the section wherein images lie, and you may be able to discern today's update. Be forewarned: what you find may change the way you view things forever.

July 31, 2014

Today's update is under extreme scrutiny from certain shadowy agencies, and thus, all that can be said is there's an image. It may or may not be an update, and it may or may not be available in a section where one might find such things. Use absolute discretion if finding such things is your intent.

June 28, 2014

Behold, a stunning development! Ok, technically, not really stunning at all. It's a new image, although its behavior has been increasingly erratic as of late, so who knows how long it will stay an image. Better view it while you can!

May 16, 2014

This month's update brings us closer to the brink of extinction, or at least it could, if it were anything more than an image. Go view it and be thankful that you missed out on that close call.

April 26, 2014

This month's update brings us something with such rarity that we've only seen it many times before. That's right, a new image comes to us from sources only somewhat unknown. View it quickly, as it could go extinct at any moment.

March 21, 2014

A new image for this month's update. Let it guide you through dark waters, or at the very least, let it steer you away from mud puddles.

February 22, 2014

This month's update is a new image. Feel free to enjoy it from a distance as close promixity breeds contempt.

January 27, 2014

A new year, a new update, and of course, a new image. Consume it (just don't ingest it). I'm planning on adding a new list in the near future. Such excitement! Such anticipation! If you begin to feel faint, please don't hesitate to lie down. A cushioned surface will be provided momentarily.

December 6, 2013

Yes, today is the 11th anniversary of this site! Such progress, such memories, such etc and so forth. Today brings a new image, so go ahead and take a peek (but be careful not to stare.) My intentions for the coming year including a new addition to the References section, and a systematic replacement of Flash animations on this website with nicer alternatives (though if history is to be believed, these shall probably occur at my usual glacial pace. Unless it's all just an elaborate ruse, and I'm really planning to put effort into developing these things quickly! Who knows what sort of randomocity I'm capable of?)

November 30, 2013

According to the future, you view the new image added today, and it greatly enhances your life. So go ahead and follow through with your destiny, lest you alter the timestream and make things worse.

October 28, 2013

Today's update is a new image. For those concerned, the new image meets all current emission standards (but most assuredly does not exceed them.)

October 4, 2013

A new update, a new image, a whole new world. (Ok, maybe not that last bit.) You know the drill by now: rinse eye thoroughly, view image, repeat as many times as necessary.

September 8, 2013

This update brings a new image which is one of a few created recently. Insert it into your brain directly through your optical system.

July 28, 2013

Today's update is the newest image, hot off created it...? Truthfully, it is very new. Help welcome it to the world at a small gathering to be determined later. Check your infoscreens for updates!

June 26, 2013

Behold, the update that launched a thousand updates! (Just kidding, that would be silly.) But view it nonetheless, as you never know what could be possible until you try..

May 21, 2013

This month brings a new image. Be gentle and don't drop it. It might be fragile.

April 14, 2013

To help you forge ahead against the misery of oncoming perils, I provide you this image to use as a weapon against less pleasant times.

March 4, 2013

Today's update brings another image. Soothe your eyes, view the image.

January 28, 2013

The first update of the new year brings a new image for you to partake of. It's like a warm meal on a cold day, but for your eyes.

December 6, 2012

Today marks the 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of this website!! That's right, it's been an entire decade, and will hopefully be many decades more! This site has come a long way from its earliest days operating on a free webhosting service, but I'm happy with how far it has come, and where it's going.

That being said, today's update isn't just to remark on this achievement, but also brings us a new section of the Mind! That's right, the References section has just been added! As of now, you'll find the DVD list which resided elsewhere for a few years, but has now found a new home. The References section will contain links to more information in the future, but for now feel free to browse the list that it currently contains. You may even notice the list has been spruced up a bit for easier reading.

November 29, 2012

A new update, and astonishingly, it happens to be a new image. Enjoy.

October 28, 2012

Today's update brings another image in our ongoing series. Feel free to seek it out, but tread lightly.

September 29, 2012

Here's the latest image in the most recent update. It's ok to be excited. I know how eagerly you've been waiting for it to arrive.

August 27, 2012

Ahh, the end of summer is closing in on us. The heat dissipates, the nights get longer, and the world is crisp and peaceful. It also brings us a new image from the new series. Enjoy.

July 24, 2012

Brief turmoil ensued this month, which was solved by switching from one webhosting company to another. Peace has been restored. Also, a new images was added. View and behold.

June 25, 2012

Today's update features the first in a new series of pictures that I've been working on. Feel free to check it out in our beloved Images section.

May 24, 2012

This month's update promises to bring you into the inner workings of your own mind. Delve deep into your psyche, and explore newfound mysteries. Brochures will be available soon at several convenient locations.

April 23, 2012

Our most recent update features an abstract image that employs the sharp angles that lasers most enjoy. Feel free to view it at your own peril. The next update shall take place from my new residence, so this update could very well be one of some significance.

March 20, 2012

We find another update this month, in the images section as usual. They always seem to be loitering in the image section, never doing anything productive with their lives. I find it rather disappointing, personally. They could at least get a job.

February 19, 2012

Today's update is brought to us by the letter P. Probably because it feels guilty for being silent at the beginning of so many words. Why don't you grow a backbone and start making yourself a little more pronounced? any case, the update can be found in the section entitled "Images."

January 15, 2012

Ah, the ides of January have brought us the first update for this year. Go view it in the images section, which is the most appropriate place for it. Also, put on a coat, or at least a warm hat. It's a bit chilly.

December 6, 2011

Here we are, another anniversary of the site. I look back, and am surprised that it has really been 9 years since I started this website. It doesn't seem like it's been that long, but it's certainly been great. Today's update is yet another image, go view it and celebrate. Here's to another 9 years and more!

November 20, 2011

Here's an update which hasn't been added in anticipation of the upcoming holiday. It's just conveniently timed to pop up days before the holiday that we dedicate to food. Unfortunately, this new image has nothing to do with food. Nothing at all.

October 29, 2011

In anticipation of the upcoming holiday, a new image has been added that has a theme that is in no way related to any holiday.

September 21, 2011

Here's another update, which has already made a nest on the Images page. I'll try to steer this back into a somewhat regular updating schedule. A recent creativity streak may be drawing to a close, we'll see.

September 4, 2011

Things have been hectic, so this image is a little delayed. It's still here though, so I've decided to award it a small medal. You may view the image, and the medal, in the appropriate section. The medal may not show right away, but I'm told it should be arriving any day now.

July 22, 2011

Another image up, another update complete. Go on and look at it, I'll wait. Actually, I don't have time to wait. Expect more creative bits in the future. Until then, don't stand too far under your ceiling.

June 29, 2011

Another product of my creative streak has arrived. View it immediately. The only reason for such infrequent updating is the fact that my creative energies are being focused fully on my new computer. I'll include more creative bits as I get around to them. The new computer will aid my creativity as well, and I may contribute more once everything is to my liking.

May 25, 2011

The long awaited creativity streak has, well, struck. I've got a few images ready to go, and more on the way. Enjoy today's new image, posted in the Images section, just to the left of the bowl of mango salsa and chives.

April 21, 2011

Struck with a sudden burst of creativity, I've created a few things in the past few weeks. One of these is today's update. Absorb it into your mind.

March 2, 2011

Nearly 2 months since the last update, mostly because I have had little creative energy lately. Today's update is an image, of course. I've had ideas for a few more images lately, hopefully creative output will pick back up.

January 9, 2011

Ahh, the first update of the new year, freshly unwrapped. Smells just like...almonds. You can find it in the Images section, next to the spiced herring.

December 6, 2010

So, here we have it, the 8th year of this website. Hard to believe that it's been so long. In any case, this update is unusual as I'm not adding anything. Creative juices have been pretty low lately, as have creative milkshakes and creative tonics. Perhaps I'll get something going soon. In any case, here's to many more years!

November 27, 2010

Another month, and so, here we have an update, just in time for the annual period of eating far, far too much. Today's update may or may not have anything to do with food. Depends on what you would classify a "rrrrrh" as.

October 12, 2010

Today's update is an image from quite a long time ago. I created it using a filter of one sort or another. It's in the usual place at the usual time.

August 31, 2010

Today's update has broken out of the holding cell and is running rampant. I believe the last time it was spotted, it had tunneled into the images section. Quickly, go corner it! I'll be there in a few moments.

August 1, 2010

Today's update comes after a long period of time in which I've had very little creativity. Once again, I come to the conclusion that the heat removes such abilities.

June 17, 2010

Go and search for this month's update. You'll find it easily enough. You may need a flashlight and a jar of watermelon gravy though. Don't ask me where to find watermelon gravy, it's way out of season.

May 16, 2010

Today's update is an image. You may find it in the appropriate location. I've been considering an update to the images section, which I will hopefully get around to at some point in the near future. I've been a bit busy lately, and have unfortunately been a bit lacking in proper maintenance to the site. That will clear up once inspiration hits again, I suspect.

April 12, 2010

Go view today's new update. Go on, it's not going to wait all day for you. I'm serious, that update has a plane to catch, and if you make it wait, it will eventually just leave, and you'll never see it again. Then you'll feel guilty.

March 7, 2010

Today's update is made up of an image, for your visual enjoyment. Hurry now and view it, before it holds a grudge against you.

February 3, 2010

This month's update consists primarily of a new image, basted with parmesan and basil, and drizzled over basmati rice. It is similar in style to an image posted earlier.

January 3, 2010

Here is the first post of the new year, and I will utilize it to alert you to a new collection of colored pixels located in the section often known as "Images." Go and utilize your ocular senses to correctly process the data and merge it into something recognizable.

December 6, 2009

Today is the 7th anniversary of this website! (7 is a good number too!) It never seems like it's been that long, and yet it has. This website really has gone past its original purpose and expanded into something that even now continues to evolve.

And with that, today's update can be found in the Images section, being that it's an image. The image is a project that I've been working on for the last few days. I started with a brief sketch, filled it in, then finalized it. In truth, it's probably the most professional of all the images I've "painted" by hand. I've also had a few other ideas, which I may create in such a professional process. In any case, here's to the 7th year this has occupied the web, and let's hope there will be many more.

November 29, 2009

So there we have it, a new image, updated and added to the natural habitat of such things. You'll find the digital version in the Images section. The astral version will be added once Pluto regains its planet status. This is your only warning.

November 10, 2009

New image, abstract and fluffy. Sort of fluffy anyway. Actually, I probably would just go ahead and pretend it's fluffy. It'll be more entertaining that way, for everyone.

October 21, 2009

Another update, which, according to recent polls, has been declared an image. The statistics, however, are said to have been forged, so until the results can be analyzed by an independent laboratory, this will have to be a substitute.

September 25, 2009

Well, you can certainly learn about the new image by reading this. However, you'd be much more successful if you actually were to go and view it.

August 30, 2009

Creative processes are starting up once again, churning up new ideas and emptying them in mostly convenient containers. And thus, a new image can be found in the appropriate section. If this were an update, you'd have read it already.

August 14, 2009

A new image is today's update. Go and view. I've gained a creative streak at the moment, and have managed a couple of images which you'll see in the future. For now, enjoy what is, and anticipate what isn't.

July 20, 2009

The heat seems to sap creative energies. Only now are they creeping back. A new image is up, posted in the usual pattern that they seem to follow.

June 15, 2009

The ides of June have brought us...wait...a new article?! Yes, as completely unexpected as it is, and basically 2 years after my last one, I got the inspiration to create a new article. (You want more articles, with regular updating? Go find a blog...) Go, read, and enjoy something other than an image for once.

June 14, 2009

New update today. You can find it in the images section. And always remember: a day without an update is like a day without an update.

May 26, 2009

I'm sure you probably already noticed today's update, but if not, turn your attention upwards. As you can see, the Mind has a new header, which is space-themed (one of my favorite types of themes.) Nothing new as far as images or anything else goes, though I've been struck with bits of creativity, and am continuing to work on a few ideas, bits and pieces at a time. Until then, enjoy what there is now, and look forward to what there will be..

May 23, 2009

New: today's update is another new image. Go ahead and view it, you know it's what you came for. There have been a few minor updates to other bits of this site, but they're nothing that requires a mention here (in other words, go discover them for yourself.) In the meantime, I keep coming up with image ideas, and I'll keep posting them as I can.

May 10, 2009

Today's update comes about as a result of either newly acquired bits of free time, or newly acquired bits of creativity. In any case, go ahead. View it. Feed your eyes, before they rebel.

May 3, 2009

Another update, another image. Go and view it, and enjoy the motivated and productive streak of updatings that seems to have struck. Hurry though, as we never know how long it will last.

April 17, 2009

So I interrupt the typical stream of abstract images to bring...well, it's essentially an abstract image. However, it's also another of the sketches I've made from time to time while bored. On a side note, you should keep updated on things happening in other parts of the site. I've gained an idea or two and an urge to create, so I've added bits and pieces. Expect another one or two shortly, or when I can remember to add them. That's about it, really.

April 12, 2009

A new image up today, and a new update following the short period that the site was down. There seems to have been a problem with the servers, but that seems to have been resolved. Anyway, go now, and enjoy the image with extreme satisfaction, or whatever feeling you wish to feel.

March 22, 2009

A new abstract image up and ready for your eyes to consume. My free time has been drastically shortened (which is actually a good thing, seriously). I'll continue trying to update regularly though, and maybe still making more things. So keep your eyes up and your head open, and with any luck, things will work out decently.

March 9, 2009

Here's an abstract image I made around a month ago. I'll be uploading a few more I've made in the past month when I can. Lately, things have been a bit busy, so I haven't made anything new lately.

February 14, 2009

Another new abstract image. It follows the general spirit of others, and it seems like I may make more as I feel up to it. You can find it in the usual section, just follow the signs.

January 30, 2009

I posted a new image, though it's actually old, created some time ago and only recently rediscovered in the muck. View...quickly, it's a time-sensitive image.

January 9, 2009

A new image to start off the new year. I actually made this, along with a few others, last month, but didn't feel up to posting until today. View and enjoy.

December 13, 2008

New image today. Go view it. That's about it, really.

December 9, 2008

As you probably noticed, the Mind has been redesigned a bit. Nothing too big visually, everything is just a bit more...compact. This is mainly due to the fact that I wanted the site to appear relatively the same, even in screen resolutions as small as 800x600. Aside from that, in the coding of the site, I've switched to pure CSS layout and brought things somewhat up to standards. For those of you familiar with web design, that's a decent step toward making this site kind of advanced and current. For those of you not familiar with coding, you probably won't notice much of a difference.

Also, I created a new image today, which is up. You'll find it in the images section...if you hurry.

December 6, 2008

Today marks the 6th anniversary of the website! It never seems like it's been that long, but looking back, this site has come a long way. Over time, I've managed to carve out a bit of cyberspace, and this website is just an example of my ongoing efforts. In any case, I actually put up an update today. Go view it in the Images section.

So anyway, here's to another year!

December 1, 2008

A good start to the month. I've put up a brand new abstract image. Go view and appreciate...or depreciate, it doesn't make any difference to me.

November 23, 2008

Today's update is something I've wanted to implement for quite a few months, but I just recently managed to finalize and add to the site. You've already noticed it, but if not, I added a new section of the site specifically for music. That means albums and songs can be downloaded there, and are no longer on the downloads page. Expect possible additions to this new section in the coming months.

November 20, 2008

Today's update is another old abstract image, created sometime earlier this year. Enjoy it, view it, etc. Haven't updated much due to a lack of the will to do much, but I'm thinking of making some minor alterations.

October 23, 2008

Today's update is an old abstract image that I created during my earlier experimentations with Photoshop. View it, as it has a pleasant glow about it.

September 17, 2008

This month's update comes a bit late, though I've had a lot of stuff on my mind lately and didn't get around to updating like I wanted to. I put up another abstract image, one I had created by messing around with noise in Photoshop. Go view it.

August 6, 2008

This month's updating starts off with an abstract image I created in Photoshop back in April. Expect to see more images since I've got some unexpected free time lately, and am on a bit of a creative streak. In the meantime, view this new

July 21, 2008

Yet another update this month. This one brings a few glimpses of the "sculpture" I created in Halo 3 back in April. For those of you familiar with the game, I created it in Forge by merging and floating a lot of objects into something vaguely sinister, then I added some even more somewhat sinister lighting effects. I chose Avalanche due to the objects on it, and the fact that I like snow, plus, it was pretty spacious. Anyway, whether you like Halo or not, go view the images & enjoy them. And if you don't enjoy them, well, they're only wasting a couple of megabytes.

July 13, 2008

The second update of this month is a wallpaper that I made a few months ago, but didn't get around to uploading until just now. I got the inspiration for it from some random album art, and the design on a plate, of all things. Anyway, it's called Blue Moon, so go view it.

Another quick update today: I finally got around to fixing the downloads button so that it is more noticeable as a hard drive. As to the reason why it is on fire...well...clearly it overheated. I mean, it's not that difficult of an explanation.

July 5, 2008

This monthly update includes an abstract image I made in Photoshop. It started with an eye I created with the help of my tablet, & then I added more to it. I may put up the original eye in the future, but for now, you've got the abstract version, so go view it & enjoy.

June 4, 2008

Yes, a little over a month since the last update. I really wanted to make it monthly, but I've got a good reason for having missed that. The site has been AWOL for a few weeks, due to some problems with the hosting company and its servers. Luckily, that crisis has been averted, mainly by company putting the site on a new server, which means that I had to upload everything all over again. I used a backup from Feb 2008 & updated all the files to what I had currently, so hopefully I'm not missing anything.

On a related note, in celebration of the site coming back up, I uploaded an image I've been sort of working at for the past few months. It was based on television in all its wonder. Go view it. That's all.

April 23, 2008

Continuing the monthly update cycle, I added a sketch of sorts today that I created out of boredom. It's nothing special, but I decided to dump it on the images page. I'm thinking of redesigning the images page a bit, but that'll have to wait until I can figure out a proper design for displaying images better. In the meantime, I've been updating my "secret project" almost daily, mostly just adding new content that has existed for a month or two. If you still haven't found the link to this section of the site, I suppose I can give you a hint. (Hint!) That's all I'm giving you for now though.

Note: Hint may or may not help at all.

March 27, 2008

So, another month, another update. You'd think this one is a result of laziness, or maybe a lack of time, and you'd be partly right. The lack of material to put on this page is due to a lack of free time, but I haven't been lazy. I've actually been working on a strange project that I'm doing just for the hell of it, and thanks to a random burst of creativity, and so far, I'm still sticking with it. You should already be able to see part of it on the website, if you look in the right place. If you do find it, let me know what you think of it so far. Until next update...

February 27, 2008

Monthly updates continue, more or less. I put up an abstract image I made quite a while ago, and recently decided to dig up and post. This isn't the only update though. I've been working at a somewhat feverish pace (relatively speaking) to create a hidden "easter egg" sort of thing for the site. You may or may not have already found the entrance to the eventual hidden bit, but regardless, content shall be added. I've decided to eventually link it to my more "artistic" creations, even though they defy the very nature of art itself. Anyway, technically, these updates have been occurring without my mentioning them, and may do so until I decide they're okay to announce. Stay tuned.

January 26, 2008

Could this be the start of regular monthly updates? I don't know, but I do know that I added an abstract image I created on the images page, so view it now. In unrelated news, I'm considering making a page just for music and sounds, but in order to do that, I'll have to create and upload more of my audio experimentations, which could eat up space. We'll see how things unfold.

December 31, 2007

Two updates in one month, and just in time for the end of the year! As you can notice by the new header, the Mind has a new look, and a new symbol (you can also see the new symbol on the entrance page). The symbol is more or less a satellite transmitter, and symbolizes the Mind's purpose, which is to transmit randomocity to the world. Plus, I just like space-themed stuff. So anyway, it's a New Year's gift to those of you who visit, whether you wanted it or not.

December 6, 2007

A little over a month from my last update, but I decided to time it just in time for the site's 5th anniversary! The purpose of this site has changed a bit, with The Realm going dormant, but I've felt a bit more creative over the past year in non-Realm related areas, and so The Mind has taken over for the time being. I'm pleased with the direction this site is going in, and I hope to make it better in the future. I've had less time to update recently, with a new job and whatnot, basically the same spiel, but at the same time, I've had a rush of ideas, so maybe it will work out.

That being said, this rather long-winded update will let you know that during the brief period of non-updating, I created a random abstract image which I uploaded today in celebration of the 5 years this site has taken up space on the web. It's something I came up with one day while working, and after hammering out the idea into something a little more workable, I picked away at it every now and then over the course of a month. Free time lacking as it is, I'm surprised I even got it up this soon. So anyway, there you have it. Here's to another year of this site sticking around!

October 20, 2007

Exactly a month later and I added a random abstract picture I found. Not much to say about it, although one day I might rearrange my photos page.

September 20, 2007

Nearly 2 months since the last update, but this one proves to be strange. From sheer boredom, I decided to create my own twisted version of a person. Go view it in the images section. It's a big size (1280x960), so you could theoretically use it as a desktop, if you really wanted to, but I wouldn't recommend it.

July 22, 2007

Not much in the way of updates, due to the fact that I'll be moving across the entire country in a couple of weeks, and much of my free time has been spent tending to that. Thus, I still don't have a few pages put up that I'd like to have. At the very least, I managed to put up a new picture that I found in my Pictures folder. It's a random thing I made in Photoshop, so go use your eyes to view it.

June 28, 2007

Under a month between updates, but at last, my "secret project" is complete, more or less. It's a new album I made in Garageband, entitled "Mrnjvlz." You'll notice the bar code I created is involved in it. As it's full of randomocity, I'll put up a page just for it soon, clearing up some of the mystery behind it. In the meantime, this seems like a big enough update for me to get away with not having updated in quite a while.

May 31, 2007

Over a month without updates, but today's is interesting. It's "Kinoko Otoko" in bar code form. Expect to see it on things that will be added I've got a secret project in the works, and it's very slowly nearing completion.

April 12, 2007

More updating. Today's is minor, just a list of DVDs I own, which has been posted in the articles section for the time being, until I figure out a more suitable place for it.

April 2, 2007

Another update, and a great one at that. I added a new link to the "Other Links" section to an awesome website. view it IMMEDIATELY. Then bookmark it for later. So there...a fine start to April.

March 26, 2007

Two updates in a month? I decided that, contrary to popular belief, the internet is a place to dump things, like a big truck. Therefore, I will start dumping random Photoshop pictures I make more often, either as I make them, or as I dredge them up from times long forgotten. And in that idea, I have put up 2 more random pictures. Go view them or something.

March 4, 2007

Another slow update period. Much lack of free time is the culprit. As far as the update, it's a random picture I made in Photoshop. View it...or don't, it's up to you.

January 13, 2007

Yes, it's been a couple of months or so since my last update. This is mostly due to the fact that I have a job now, and have had one since November, which has severely limited my free time. Also, for various reasons, I've had a lack of creative inspiration, and haven't been able to make anything new. However, today's update is a new Flash entrance page, so go check it out. It's slightly better than the old one, and simpler too.

October 31, 2006

A little over a month, but at least there's a new update. It's not really much, just a picture of myself that I edited a bit for Halloween. Sort of creepy looking, so if you're interested, go view it. Other than that, nothing else to update for the moment.

September 28, 2006

A third update to finish out the month. If you came here via the entrance page, then you'll have noticed the new addition. If not, then go check it out. Our entrance page has gotten fancier, as it's all Flash now. Basically, I've been wanting to add more Flash content to this site, and the entrance page redesign has given me that chance. I hope to add more Flash content in the future, and I probably will once I get the inspiration.

September 20, 2006

What? Two updates in one month? Anyway, since things cost money (like this website), and since I am in need of money, I put up a donation button. Therefore, if anyone has money to spare, and is feeling generous at all, feel free to donate some money. Any amount will be appreciated. Shameless begging aside, I haven't really updated much of anything, although I've been getting a lot of ideas. I may just add some stuff in the near future.

September 9, 2006 update in less than a month? Amazing....anyway, I added a collection of songs I made in Garageband. You could call it an album, I guess. Feel free to go download it and give them a listen. If you want, you can even tell me what you think of it...through some form of communication.

August 29, 2006

A little over a month between updates...oh well. I added a random abstract picture that I created in Photoshop, so go check it out if you feel the need.

July 26, 2006

For some reason, I decided to make an abstract desktop today. You can check it out in the Images section. Other than that, thanks to my slacking off, I've got nothing else to update.

July 1, 2006

You may have seen it already, but if not, I made a new version of the image that links to this section, on the entrance page. It's in a similar style to the mushroom image now, and I think it looks better. Also, it seems the television in our header has gained reception, seeing as it has acquired more feel free to look for those too.

June 5, 2006

I put up a picture I made in Photoshop of a spiked metal orb. Go check it out in the Images section. I'm planning on making more metal/futuristic themed creations like it in the future, so I may put them up as well.

May 28, 2006

As you have probably noticed, the television in the header at the top of the page has remained still, showing its one image of static. Well, the header is now a Flash animation, so the TV is a bit more...interesting. It still links back to the main page, so don't worry.

May 20, 2006

Today I added a newly updated version of Karl's soundboard, which is a bit fancier than the original. Go check it out, as it even comes equipped with a few more sounds.

May 14, 2006

Today's update is a soundboard, which was made for Karl, and can be found in the downloads section. It isn't actually a download, but it links to a page where you can find it. Even if you aren't Karl, you could still probably find some sort of use for it, so check it out.

April 29, 2006

You'll probably notice, if you came to this page while using the Microsoft Internet Explorer, that you couldn't access this page without using a non-IE browser. You were probably also directed to download Firefox if you didn't have it already. This is because I've grown tired of Microsoft's nonsense, and am now supporting the movement to decrease the usage of IE in favor of Firefox, or any other non-IE browser. You will notice that there's a link to Firefox's website in our "Other Links" section, so if you need to refer other people to the browser, that link will take you where you need to go.

April 4, 2006

Hallo! Wie geht's? (If you don't understand that..too bad. What do I look like, a translator?) Anyway, I added a new article today. Go view it, and its view of general subjects pertaining to the Internet!!!

March 4, 2006

Another sound clip for YTMND usage. This one's of cowboys selling Egg McMuffins...over and over again.

February 28, 2006

Only a small update today. I added the Alabama Man sound clip to the Downloads section, so that someone can utilize it when the need arises. Other than that, there's not really anything important to make note of.

February 11, 2006

Today's update brings an entirely new section to the site. There's now a Downloads page, so I can provide random things that are neither articles or pictures (well, not solely articles or pictures). As it happens, there is already a download up, and it's the replay file of the Overlord Herding Starcraft game. Check it out.

February 10, 2006

Another update today. I made a new desktop today. Go check it out, it's random, and was made completely from scratch.

February 7, 2006

I added a few updates today. One involves a zombie, and one involves Overlord Herding (from the game Starcraft). Go check them out, as I decide whether or not I want to add special things related to the Overlord herding later on.

February 4, 2006

As I was in a bit of a rush to get the Random Stuff from the Mind of Kinoko Otoko (feel free to shorten it to The Mind if you prefer) updated last night, I didn't realize that there were quite a few errors in the overall design of it. As you can see, everything has been fixed, including the entrance page of There is also a link to the entrance page in the "//Other Links" section of the site, in case you ever want to check out the Realm. I'm hoping to update the Mind again within the next day or two, if not sooner.

February 3, 2006

As you can see, this page has just been created, and so there's not much at this point in time. I hope to get more on here as I update it in the future, but until then, it's going to be a bit empty.