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Eventually, I reached the end of the path, only to see a sign pointing ahead, which read "Path starts here." After a few seconds, I was able to realize that this path was circular, and continued forever, with no way to get to it or from it. With this realization sinking in, I sat down, and pulled a sandwich from my pocket, and begin chewing slowly. The meat tasted like cardboard and the cheese tasted like dirt, so I opened the bread up to realize that they were very much cardboard and dirt, smudged together with what looked like moldy orange juice. I tried very hard to figure out how they got in my pocket when I remembered I had already emptied my pockets earlier that day in a hopeless search for 25 cents for bus fare. Just then, I heard a loud screeching noise coming from one of the trees up ahead. I slowly inched my way towards it and noticed that the tree was actually opening, much like a door, and taking much of the forest scenery with it. It looked as though the "forest" surrounding the path was nothing more than a large wall, and this was the way out. I quickly escaped through the door and found myself on a gravel path, dotted with bits of faded blue, which was in the midst of a real forest. This path actually led somewhere, to a clearing, which I walked towards with great anticipation and relief.

Upon arriving in the clearing, I realized that I had come to the edge of the actual forest which surrounded this path. Ahead of me, I saw a sight so wonderful and awe-inspiring that I literally fell to my knees with my jaw hitting the floor. In front of me was a huge castle, partially made of stone and metal, which stood in front of an open land, full of rolling hills and green trees and small lakes. A huge cliff was nearby, with a waterfall pouring down its face, and in the sky, the most colorful and vibrant celestial scenery I had ever seen was showing off hundreds of galaxies. And just to the right of this castle stood a tiny, yellow hotdog stand with a sign that was too weather-worn to read. I decided to walk up to it instead of the castle.

After the cardboard/dirt sandwich, I decided even hotdogs wouldn't be that bad, and so I approached the stand, searching for a menu. After failing to see one, I saw a call bell on the stand, next to a cracked and leaking ketchup container. I rang the bell and at once, a lady appeared in front of me. Her skin was shiny like plastic, one eye was blue and the other seemed to be missing a pupil, which allowed the dark inside to be seen. Her hair was patchy with bits of red, gray, black, and green, and was tied back in a permanent ponytail. As she smiled at me, I noticed her lips had the appearance of the underside of a slug. She opened her mouth, and for a second, I thought I detected the odor of rotten potatoes, and then she said "Can I help you?" in a cheery tone, though her voice sounded more like a blender consuming a steel hippopotamus then something a cheery clerk should've wielded.